The Challenge

While interest in solar as our most abundant, clean and renewable source of energy has never been higher, the cost of capturing that energy also continues to be high - such as in manufacturing the various types of solar cells in use today. eVjump technology is focused on mass production manufacturing processes capable of lowering costs over 50% relative to current industry capability. Application of eVjump technology will enable solar power to be a truly fiscally responsible investment on par with conventional energy sources. eVjump technology will change the direction of the industry forever.

What kind of technology are we talking about?

eVjump is addressing the dollar per watt solar cell manufacturing cost target by adapting high volume manufacturing methods used in other mature industries to use in mass-producing a new solar energy capture device employing readily available, inexpensive and durable CIGS materials. Our manufacturing approach will enable incredibly more efficient utilization of manufacturing space, with far less capital than employed in today’s solar cell and module manufacturing facilities.

First Things First

eVjump is in the prototyping phase of development of this new energy capture device and is focused on assessing and selecting an optimum combination of materials inherent to the energy capture device design that best meets requirements for manufacturing and production, and device efficiency and durability. We have some pretty specific targets we are aiming to achieve by specific points in time, and while it is premature to provide an exact timeline, our goal is to advance to initial commercialization in the 2010-2011 timeframe.